Project Description
The Little Current Swing Bridge was built in 1913 and operated as a rail bridge until 1946, when the bridge was modified to allow motor vehicles to cross. The bridge is a five-span centre pivot swing bridge consisting of two 56 m spans. There is a sidewalk on the west side of the bridge. The bridge is listed under the Ontario Heritage Bridge List.
The existing bridge is nearing the end of its service life. The purpose of this study is to identify a recommended plan that addresses current and future transportation needs at the bridge crossing.
This study will review existing conditions and conduct a Transportation Needs Assessment to determine the scope and extent of crossing requirements. A Study Design Report (SDR) will also be completed as part of this project and will be made available for public review. The purpose of the SDR is to confirm the project Need and Justification, define the study area, assess alternative crossing types (Alternatives to the Undertaking), and document the Class EA and consultation processes for the project.
The study also includes developing and evaluating alternatives, identifying appropriate improvements, and outlining environmental protection/mitigation measures. A Recommended Plan will be confirmed at the completion of the study.
Contact the project team if you wish to submit questions or comments.