- If you wish to be added to the mailing list
- If you have any comments or questions
- If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this study
Agency and public consultation will take place throughout the Planning, Preliminary Design and Class EA Study. The Consultation Plan will include:
- Notice of Planning & Preliminary Design Study Commencement
- Consultation with regulatory agencies
- Public Information Centre 1
- Preparation of a Study Design Report (SDR) and Notice of SDR public review
- Public Information Centre 2
- Public Information Centre 3
- Communication with Indigenous groups
- Communication with property owners, residents, and businesses in the study area
- Preparation of a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) and Notice of Study Completion and public review of the TESR
Consultation Timeline
The first PIC is tentatively scheduled for Summer 2018 to introduce the project to the public, provide background information, the study process, and the Alternatives to the Undertaking. It will provide an opportunity to discuss issues or concerns directly with members of the project team. The purpose of PIC 2 will be to display and seek input on the alternatives and the evaluation criteria. The purpose of the third PIC will be to display and seek input on the Preferred Plan and the results of the evaluation of alternatives. Displays and presentation materials will become available on this site following each PIC.
A Study Design Report (SDR) will be developed as per the documentation requirements of the Class EA process for a Group ‘A’ project. The SDR will be filed for a 30-day period of public and external agency review.
A Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) fulfills the documentation requirements of the Class EA process for a Group ‘A’ project. The TESR will be filed for a 30-day period of public and external agency review at the end of the Preliminary Design study. The TESR will be prepared to document the following:
- The major features of the proposed work
- A full description of the consultation program
- Identification of all project approvals, licenses, and permits that have been or must be obtained
- Environmental impacts, mitigation, and protection measures that will be implemented
- Commitments to future work
All notices will be published in the following local newspapers:
- Manitoulin Expositor
- Manitoulin West Recorder
- Sudbury Star
The notices will also be posted on this website and sent directly to all contacts on the project mailing list.
Stakeholder input will be incorporated into the project findings and recommendations as appropriate.
Contact the project team if you wish to be added to our mailing list.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will the public be involved during the study?
To make sure that all interested members of the public are contacted, an extensive notification process will include announcements in newspapers and letters to agencies, stakeholders, Indigenous communities and property owners.
The public will be invited to attend three Public Information Centres (PICs). The first PIC is tentatively scheduled for Summer 2018 to introduce the project to the public, provide background information, the study process, and the Alternatives to the Undertaking. The purpose of PIC 2 will be to display and seek input on the alternatives and the evaluation criteria. The purpose of the third PIC will be to display and seek input on the Preferred Plan and the results of the evaluation of alternatives. Displays and presentation materials will become available on this site following the PIC. Invitations to the PICs will be broadly advertised in local newspapers and notifications will be sent via mail to all individuals on the project mailing list.
In addition, this project website has been developed for the project and interested parties can submit comment by contacting the project team. This website will provide general project information, updates and notices of upcoming meetings and milestones and will also host all project reports. The project mailing list will be updated throughout the study.
Will access to private property be required during the study?
Stantec and its sub-consultants will require access to some private property to undertake field investigation work in support of the study. In these locations, permission to enter will be requested from the property owners. The Ministry’s staff, consultant, or sub-consultants will not enter private property without prior consent from the property owner.
How do I get involved in this study?
To receive direct notification regarding study milestones, contact the project team.
What is the timing for construction?
This project is currently in the Planning and Preliminary Design stage and timing for construction has not yet been determined.