Based on the findings of the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study, a Recommended Plan has been identified that addresses the current and future transportation needs at the existing crossing. The Recommended Plan includes the replacement of the Little Current Swing Bridge with a new, through-truss swing bridge situated on a new alignment located approximately 80m west of the existing bridge. The new bridge will consist of two vehicular travel lanes (i.e., one lane in each direction), and a 1.5 m wide sidewalk, on the west side, for pedestrians/cyclists. A plan to appropriately commemorate the existing bridge will also be confirmed following this Class EA Study.

A summary of the study process, including the identification and evaluation of alternatives, the Recommended Plan, anticipated environmental impacts, proposed mitigation measures and consultation activities carried out as part of this study, has been documented within a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR). A copy of the TESR is available for public review between January 25 and February 24, 2023

Interested persons may provide written comments to the study team by February 24, 2023

In addition, a request may be made to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e., requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g., require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights (i.e., Section 16 Order). Additional information regarding Section 16 Order requests is provided within the Notice of Study Completion.